Chia seed drinks could become the next coconut water
Chia seeds were most linked with Chia Pets plant-growing kits in the 1980s and 1990s.
According to Natalie Tremellen, industry analyst at Innova industry Insights, the Netherlands, beverage companies are integrating chia seeds' hydrating
and nutritional properties into juice, juice drinks, soft drinks, and drink concentrates and mixes.
According to Stephanie Pauk, global food science analyst at Mintel, Chicago, 12% of chia seed-containing products in 2013 were beverages, up from 3% in 2012.
In 2013, 39% of US chia seed beverage launches were juice and juice drinks, 22% were carbonated soft drinks
In 2013, 39% of US chia seed beverage launches were juice and juice drinks, 22% were carbonated soft drinks
and 19% were drink concentrates and mixes, according to Innova's Tremellen.
Experts say chia seeds bring functionality to any beverag
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