These 3 Zodiac Signs Prefer Voice Memos Over Texts
Everyone texts differently. Some people reply a million times in a group chat, whereas others prefer voicemail.
This tool makes answering or asking a question easy, but some people turn these messages into 14-minute podcasts that go on forever.
When you think about it, your texting style matches your personality, therefore sending extended audio messages may only appeal to specific zodiac signs.
The busy, quick-thinking, and sometimes chaotic zodiac signs love it since it's a hands-free method to yap into their phones throughout the day.
Instead of responding to texts, they record and talk for 10 minutes, often without pausing.
Geminis will happily leave multiple 10-minute audio messages all day. Mercury, the planet of communication, makes this air sign chatty. Whatever comes to mind, they share it with the group chat.
Virgo, another Mercury-ruled sign, sends the longest voice messages. The audio button lets them have a one-sided podcast-like conversation instead of texting or calling.
The audio function pleases Capricorn. They don't like gossip and are too busy to join a noisy group chat, but they're great at opening up via voice messaging.
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